<i>architecture:m</i> <i>accessibility </i> <i>statement</i>
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architecture:marchitecture:m accessibility accessibility statementstatement

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architecture:m has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained within the pages of this site is accurate and current. However, no warranty is given and no representation is made regarding the accuracy of or completeness of the content of this site.

architecture:m accepts no responsibility for any losses or damages arising out of errors or omissions contained in the site or arising from reliance on information contained in the site. The links to other web sites does not imply that we approve or endorse the content of those sites and architecture:m accepts no responsibility for the information made available via such sites.

Copyright in the page of this site, in the screen displaying the pages and in the information, text, graphics, images and material contained therein is owned by architecture:m, unless otherwise stated. All trade marks, service marks, company names or logos are the property of their respective holders and no permission is given by architecture:m in respect of their use and such use may constitute an infringement of the holders rights. By accessing these pages you agree to be bound by these terms of use which shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

We continuously aim to identify and document any accessibility issues that we find on our website and prioritise them according to the overall impact that have for our visitors. Issues that greatly affect the website experience from an accessibility perspective are immediately addressed. We take reasonable measures to fix other issues regarding accessibility in good time. If you encounter any accessibility issues while navigation our digital webpages, please contact mail@architecturem.co.uk.